At Khonsu, we source uniquely designed fabrics

Khonsu is proud to
partner with small producers in Brazil to bring unique design and fabric
quality to our swimwear. 

Our mission is to put
mothers and Earth at the heart of everything that we do, so we make sure to use
sustainable practices when choosing our materials. The fabrics 
for our swimwear can be trusted for their quality and unique patterns, as they
are designed by experts and crafted with precision. We use only the most
premium materials available, hand-picked under ethical and sustainable
standards to ensure that each garment is unique, beautiful, and of the highest

Designed in Switzerland

Our exclusive designs allow us to create the perfect fit for every woman. No matter your size, shape, or stage in pregnancy you can trust that our swimwear will be the perfect fit. 

Crafted in Brazil

Our fabrics are made from recycled materials, bio-based yarns, organic cotton and low impact dyes. We take the utmost care and want to respect women's safety, comfort and wellbeing throughout our entire production process.
